Trusted Platform > Background check > Credit History
Check the Credit History of anyone in Mexico.
Bureau Report + Indebtedness Level + Payment Compliance + Credit Score.
Mexican Credit Bureau Report
Obtaining the credit bureau report.
Mexican Debt Level
Obtaining the level of indebtedness of the person.
Payment Compliance in Mexico
Obtaining the level of payment compliance.
All trusted services in one place
Create digital signature flows (autograph or advanced) with legal binding for Mexico and LATAM, in an easy and secure way. With customization, forms, WhatsApp Onboarding, inbox, directory and unlimited 10+ features. Speed up your onboardings and improve the experience with your clients.
Verify the identity of your clients with ID Scan (OCR of 99.9%), ID Check, ID Face (Liveness Test) and Crossing data with INE / RENAPO. With Artificial Intelligence. Make sure the person is who they say they are.
Check de background of any person in Mexico (identity, credit, employment, financial, judicial and black lists) in a single click from more than 100+ public records in Mexico and the world. Know more about the person and avoid fraud.
Certify according with the Mexican regulation NOM-151 any data message or document and obtain its Data Message Conservation Certificate and Digital Timestamp. With Blockchain Timestamps and Audit Footprint. Tamper-proof your agreements.
Create digital signature flows (autograph or advanced) with legal binding for Mexico and LATAM, in an easy and secure way. With customization, forms, WhatsApp Onboarding, inbox, directory and unlimited 10+ features. Speed up your onboardings and improve the experience with your clients.
Verify the identity of your clients with ID Scan (OCR of 99.9%), ID Check, ID Face (Liveness Test) and Crossing data with INE / RENAPO. With Artificial Intelligence. Make sure the person is who they say they are.
Check de background of any person in Mexico (identity, credit, employment, financial, judicial and black lists) in a single click from more than 100+ public records in Mexico and the world. Know more about the person and avoid fraud.
Certify according with the Mexican regulation NOM-151 any data message or document and obtain its Data Message Conservation Certificate and Digital Timestamp. With Blockchain Timestamps and Audit Footprint. Tamper-proof your agreements.
Be contacted by a specialist and try the credit history for Mexico for free.
We will help you find the best solution with legal compliance in Mexico and LATAM for your company.